Monday 21 February 2011

Blog Commenting : A Way Of Unwrapping Your Business To The World.

Blog commenting is an important part of Search Engine Optimization; in deep of Off-Page optimization. While working with off-page optimization the basic and effective way of getting backlinks is blog commenting. This is free and genuine technique of getting inbound links.

A regular blog commenting can help you maintain your site at a good PR along with a good traffic to your site and popularity. The traffic you get from commenting is more motivated and likely to be qualified because the visitors move on to your site after reading your comment.

Commenting on relevant sites reflects your availability and presence which has a positive impression over readers. From the SEO point of view blog commenting has number of benefits including revealing your business out to the world.

The content or talks you are going to share through blog comments should be original and adding values to that particular blog so that the blog owner take lesser time to approve your comment.


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  2. Thanks for providing with this information. It’s actually a long time looking for that kind of informative blog. Thanks... will be back again to talk more.

  3. yes, i link building is very important in seo, blog commenting is best way to increas back links.

  4. I think that your point about "commenting on relevant sites" is true and, yet, very difficult to acheive. This is because it can take months to find even a few dozen regulary updated blogs that focus on your particular area of interest, be it tartan kilts, Mansfield plumbers, Medoc wine, etc.

  5. This truly is a very important blog. Thanks for sharing this valuable information with us.

  6. I think SEO is a very important thing to have when having your own business, and having a website for your business. It brings in a lot more traffic, since your name is more visible to the public.

  7. Posting on relevant sites is a key but it takes a lot of time and often I think SEO companies just cut corners because people want to see quick results. Interesting article

  8. SEO is so so important. I have seen such a jump since I started using an SEO company. Finding a good one is pretty tough though. People need to be cautious. Mine expained how important link building is.

  9. I am new to SEO. I have learned that if you are running your own on line business it is very important and building links is a huge key. Thank you for the info. I am still slowly learning all this.

  10. Good tips. I've been looking at ways to increase my search engine ranking and blog commenting definitely seems like a possibility.

  11. Remember, nofollow comments don't give the kick that dofollow blogs give you. A nofollow is a no vote where a dofollow comment is a vote for your site. Show some love to the dofollow blogs and comment on them.

  12. This truly is a very important blog. Thanks for sharing this valuable information with us.

  13. Blog commenting is only as good as you make it. If you do it wrong, such as spamming blogs, you won't get any benefits from it as moderated blogs will reject your comment no questions asked if you spam them.

  14. Blog commenting is a good way for SEO, but you have to do it right. Not spamming all blog with your comments saying stuff like great blog, good blog, thanks for sharing, nice tips or another things like that.

  15. Thanks for sharing this valuable information with us.

  16. Yeahh I wish all blogs were dofollow and allowed posting comments for links.

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  22. I love your writing style and how you write articles, really perfect. Do you consider writing for other blogs as a guest?

  23. Thanks for this very useful post this can help me a lot about my website.

  24. This was absolutely the best article that I have read regarding this issue. Kudos to the owner of this blog for writing such masterpiece!

  25. Well .. commenting on blogs offers you many backlinks, right ?:)

  26. What I like most about blog commenting (other than unwrapping your blog to the world) is the ability to find unique and very thought-provoking niche blogs. If I were not blog commenting I would never have found newfound friends :)

  27. Commenting on blogs is a great way to expose your website to the world. Thats the main reason I do it.

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